For every 100 yards ($100) achieved by a team, a touchdown (7 points) will be awarded.
Who can put the first points on the scoreboard?
How many touchdowns can we score?
Can the Spaghetti Meatballs smother the Chicken Noodles? Or will the Chicken Noodles drown the Spaghetti Meatballs?
How much can you contribute to feed our neighbors?
How many contributions from our congregation, our friends and our neighbors can we collect?
If you can help support this vital mission, please make out a check to First Congregational Church of Shelburne and mail it to 21 Church Common Road, Shelburne, MA 01370. While your last name will determine which team receives the donation, we encourage you to write your team name (Chicken Noodles (last name A-M) and the Spaghetti Meatballs (last name N-Z)) in the memo field.
Who can put the first points on the scoreboard?
How many touchdowns can we score?
Can the Spaghetti Meatballs smother the Chicken Noodles? Or will the Chicken Noodles drown the Spaghetti Meatballs?
How much can you contribute to feed our neighbors?
How many contributions from our congregation, our friends and our neighbors can we collect?
If you can help support this vital mission, please make out a check to First Congregational Church of Shelburne and mail it to 21 Church Common Road, Shelburne, MA 01370. While your last name will determine which team receives the donation, we encourage you to write your team name (Chicken Noodles (last name A-M) and the Spaghetti Meatballs (last name N-Z)) in the memo field.

What is "Souper Bowl" Sunday? It is a chance to make a difference by collecting dollars and food in the weeks leading up to the Big Game, this year scheduled for February 5th. The idea began in 1990 by youth as a way to change the nation's largest weekend of football into the largest weekend of caring. (See Souper Bowl of Caring). Last year, we collected over 600 pounds of food for the local Food Pantry. This year we have 30 brown paper bags to fill with canned goods such as soups, vegetables, fruit as well as staples such as peanut butter, dry or hot cereals, tuna fish, and other non-perishable pantry items.
Please join with us to help in the fight against hunger.